Sunday, February 05, 2006

And the Beat Goes On...

I experienced a few panicked moments in the last 36 hours when I thought I had lost my ipod. I am not exceptionally attached to my ipod. it is nice to have when traveling and occasionally convenient when studying, but it is not essential to my being. I like it. It's nifty, but it doesn't transport me to another level of consciousness.

But the thought that I had lost something that cost a great deal more money than i can comfortably lose dismayed me. Where could it have gone? One day it was in the inside pocket of my coat, the next day, it was gone. It has my phone number etched into the back, a reasonably good person would call if they found it. Just because Erin Hogan would keep it doesn't mean everyone would. I resolved to take the same course of action I do when anything troubles me: I decided not to think about it.

So I didn't think about it.

Until I saw it, laying on the frozen ground outside of J.'s car this morning. My little silver ipod, wrapped in its headphones and with a quarter-sized blotch of bird shit on the back, just under the phone number that the bird was too inconsiderate to call.

So I wiped it off, put it in her glove box for safe keeping and congratulated myself for not losing anything important this year.

(Seriously, I still have my coat, gloves, hat, scarf, laptop, ipod, cell phone, wallet...I'm complete.)


Blogger jessica said...

You forgot to mention that you haven't lost your girlfriend...yet.

9:38 PM  
Blogger jw said...

Should I be concerned about that?

9:51 PM  
Blogger Pat said...

Again, you're funny.

I used to "not believe" in iPods. Last year, when everyone was gettnig an iPod for Christmas, I went out and bought a turntable in protest. Then I went to college, and figured out that not having an iPod is like . . . a bad idea.

Now my iPod and I are inseparable. Except I left it at work for the entire weekend and now it's out of batteries. We're kind of separable.

9:46 PM  

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