Friday, March 20, 2009

More of the same. . .

Earlier this week, the Publishers Advertising and Marketing Association held its annual spring luncheon, where special guest Jon Karp of Twelve offered his perspective on what it will take to survive the "post-apocalyptic" publishing scene. "Publishers have got to control themselves," Karp warned the audience. "We're not unlike the banks that sprung up... offering credit cards and loans to everyone who walked in the door. There are too many books, and too many of them are derivative of each other." Instead of Gresham's Law, he joked, book publishers seem to operate under Grisham's Law, or the idea that any hit book should be imitated as soon and as often as possible.

From GalleyCat again. I'm sick of new books. I'm quite sure we could very well with the books we have. A moratorium on new books!


Olga makes an excellent point! Books that should be blogs should not be books. Blogs should be blogs and books, books. They're different media and making one into another is obscene. It'd be like experiencing a movie by turning pages between frames. Not exactly, but also stupid. . .

Additional Addendum:
Also, Doctors this-and-that, you cheapen your undoubtedly cheap degrees when you put your name, Psy.D. on the cover of your bullshit books. See A RARE BREED OF LOVE.


Blogger OLGA said...

Jodi Picoult and James Patterson are destroying literature. Why is Stepahnie Meyer on the NYT top 10 bestselleers list? And "My Little Red Book" would have served humanity better as a blog instead.

4:49 PM  
Blogger Christine said...

Is it really *new* books that are the problem, though? We are writers, dude, and writers do need publishers. But there are some very dumb people in acquisitions, and there are some mega-presses and some stupid masses, and there are some really great hidden things.

I guess the hidden great things are already books, though.

And then marketing ... the need of publishers to sell books ... Working for a niche publishing house, I see over and over that we do publish tiny variants on the same thing, but people buy them. So we sell them. It is kind of sad.

Anybody want to work for Graywolf or Copper Canyon with me?

11:53 AM  
Blogger jw said...

Writers need publishers and publishers need writers, yes, but publishers are selling water to the drowning and drowning themselves, besides. What a refreshing act of courage it would be for an author to say, "I will not leave my words strewn so carelessly. I, at least, will not add my voice to the cacophony of voices."

Which isn't to say that writers are not welcome to write, to read, to think--but I beg them, please, to stop publishing!

I'm not against art; I am against overabundance and the decadence that results. The incestuous, mutating, self-replicating crap that clogs our arteries and poisons our organs.

12:51 PM  

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